How to learn the names of colors in the most complete English? Colors name in English are familiar topics that everyone should know when learning English. Even if you are very knowledgeable about painting, you may not know all the interesting things about color in English.
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Let's learn and understand the names of colors in English with Englishtivi!
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Types of Colors Name
Colors can be broken down into three basic types
- Three Primary Colors: Red, Yellow, Blue
- Three Secondary Colors: Orange, Green, Violet
- Six Tertiary Colors: Red-Orange, Yellow-Green, Blue-Green, Blue-Violet, Yellow-Orange, and Red-Violet.
List of All Colors/Colours Names in English
Sr No. | Color Image | Color Name | Html Color Codes |
1 | Alice Blue | #F0F8FF | |
2 | Antique White | #FAEBD7 | |
3 | Aqua | #00FFFF | |
4 | Aquamarine | #7FFFD4 | |
5 | Azure | #F0FFFF | |
6 | Beige | #F5F5DC | |
7 | Bisque | #FFE4C4 | |
8 | Black | #000000 | |
9 | Blanched Almond | #FFEBCD | |
10 | Blue | #0000FF | |
11 | Blue Violet | #8A2BE2 | |
12 | Brown | #A52A2A | |
13 | Burly Wood | #DEB887 | |
14 | Cadet Blue | #5F9EA0 | |
15 | Chartreuse | #7FFF00 | |
16 | Chocolate | #D2691E | |
17 | Coral | #FF7F50 | |
18 | Cornflower Blue | #6495ED | |
19 | Cornsilk | #FFF8DC | |
20 | Crimson | #DC143C | |
21 | Cyan | #00FFFF | |
22 | Dark Blue | #00008B | |
23 | Dark Cyan | #008B8B | |
24 | Dark Goldenrod | #B8860B | |
25 | Dark Gray | #A9A9A9 | |
26 | Dark Green | #006400 | |
27 | Dark Khaki | #BDB76B | |
28 | Dark Magenta | #8B008B | |
29 | Dark Olive Green | #556B2F | |
30 | Dark Orange | #FF8C00 | |
31 | Dark Orchid | #9932CC | |
32 | Dark Red | #8B0000 | |
33 | Dark Salmon | #E9967A | |
34 | Dark Sea Green | #8FBC8B | |
35 | Dark Slate Blue | #483D8B | |
36 | Dark Slate Gray | #2F4F4F | |
37 | Dark Turquoise | #00CED1 | |
38 | Dark Violet | #9400D3 | |
39 | Deep Pink | #FF1493 | |
40 | Deep Sky Blue | #00BFFF | |
41 | Dim Gray | #696969 | |
42 | Dodger Blue | #1E90FF | |
43 | Fire Brick | #B22222 | |
44 | Floral White | #FFFAF0 | |
45 | Forest Green | #228B22 | |
46 | Fuchsia | #FF00FF | |
47 | Gainsboro | #DCDCDC | |
48 | Ghost White | #F8F8FF | |
49 | Gold | #FFD700 | |
50 | Goldenrod | #DAA520 | |
51 | Gray | #808080 | |
52 | Green | #008000 | |
53 | Green Yellow | #ADFF2F | |
54 | Honey Dew | #F0FFF0 | |
55 | Hot Pink | #FF69B4 | |
56 | Indian Red | #CD5C5C | |
57 | Indigo | #4B0082 | |
58 | Ivory | #FFFFF0 | |
59 | Khaki | #F0E68C | |
60 | Lavender | #E6E6FA | |
61 | Lavender Blush | #FFF0F5 | |
62 | Lawn Green | #7CFC00 | |
63 | Lemon Chiffon | #FFFACD | |
64 | Light Blue | #ADD8E6 | |
65 | Light Coral | #F08080 | |
66 | Light Cyan | #E0FFFF | |
67 | Light Goldenrod Yellow | #FAFAD2 | |
68 | Light Gray | #D3D3D3 | |
69 | Light Green | #90EE90 | |
70 | Light Pink | #FFB6C1 | |
71 | Light Salmon | #FFA07A | |
72 | Light Salmon | #FFA07A | |
73 | Light Sea Green | #20B2AA | |
74 | Light Sky Blue | #87CEFA | |
75 | Light Slate Gray | #778899 | |
76 | Light Steel Blue | #B0C4DE | |
77 | Light Yellow | #FFFFE0 | |
78 | Lime | #00FF00 | |
79 | Lime Green | #32CD32 | |
80 | Linen | #FAF0E6 | |
81 | Magenta | #FF00FF | |
82 | Maroon | #800000 | |
83 | Medium Aquamarine | #66CDAA | |
84 | Medium Blue | #0000CD | |
85 | Medium Orchid | #BA55D3 | |
86 | Medium Purple | #9370DB | |
87 | Medium Sea Green | #3CB371 | |
88 | Medium Slate Blue | #7B68EE | |
89 | Medium Slate Blue | #7B68EE | |
90 | Medium Spring Green | #00FA9A | |
91 | Medium Turquoise | #48D1CC | |
92 | Medium Violet Red | #C71585 | |
93 | Midnight Blue | #191970 | |
94 | Mint Cream | #F5FFFA | |
95 | Misty Rose | #FFE4E1 | |
96 | Moccasin | #FFE4B5 | |
97 | Navajo White | #FFDEAD | |
98 | Navy | #000080 | |
99 | Old Lace | #FDF5E6 | |
100 | Olive | #808000 | |
101 | Olive Drab | #6B8E23 | |
102 | Orange | #FFA500 | |
103 | Orange Red | #FF4500 | |
104 | Orchid | #DA70D6 | |
105 | Pale Goldenrod | #EEE8AA | |
106 | Pale Green | #98FB98 | |
107 | Pale Turquoise | #AFEEEE | |
108 | Pale Violet Red | #DB7093 | |
109 | Papaya Whip | #FFEFD5 | |
110 | Peach Puff | #FFDAB9 | |
111 | Peru | #CD853F | |
112 | Pink | #FFC0CB | |
113 | Plum | #DDA0DD | |
114 | Powder Blue | #B0E0E6 | |
115 | Purple | #800080 | |
116 | Rebecca Purple | #663399 | |
117 | Red | #FF0000 | |
118 | Rosy Brown | #BC8F8F | |
119 | Royal Blue | #4169E1 | |
120 | Saddle Brown | #8B4513 | |
121 | Salmon | #FA8072 | |
122 | Sandy Brown | #F4A460 | |
123 | Sea Green | #2E8B57 | |
124 | Sea Shell | #FFF5EE | |
125 | Sienna | #A0522D | |
126 | Silver | #C0C0C0 | |
127 | Sky Blue | #87CEEB | |
128 | Slate Blue | #6A5ACD | |
129 | Slate Gray | #708090 | |
130 | Snow | #FFFAFA | |
131 | Spring Green | #00FF7F | |
132 | Steel Blue | #4682B4 | |
133 | Tan | #D2B48C | |
134 | Teal | #008080 | |
135 | Thistle | #D8BFD8 | |
136 | Tomato | #FF6347 | |
137 | Turquoise | #40E0D0 | |
138 | Violet | #EE82EE | |
139 | Wheat | #F5DEB3 | |
140 | White | #FFFFFF | |
141 | White Smoke | #F5F5F5 | |
142 | Yellow | #FFFF00 | |
143 | Yellow Green | #9ACD32 |
See more at: Verbs
Colors/Colours Name in Hindi and English
Sr No. | Colours Name in English | Color Nam in Hindi |
1. | Amber | भूरा पीला रंग |
2. | Aqua | पानी जैसा रंग |
3. | Azure | आसमानी रंग |
4. | Beige | गहरा पीला |
5. | Black | काला |
6. | Blue | नीला |
7. | Bronze | पीतल रंग |
8. | Brown | भूरा |
9. | Chartreuse | हल्का हरे सेब जैसा रंग |
10. | Clay | मिट्टी का रंग |
11. | Clay | मिट्टी जैसा रंग |
12. | Cyan | हरिनील |
13. | Dark Salmon | गहरा नारंगी |
14. | Gainsboro | गेन्सबोरो रंग |
15. | Golden | सुनहरा |
16. | Grape | अंगूर का रंग |
17. | Green | हरा |
18. | Grey | धुमैला |
19. | Indigo | जामुनी |
20. | Ivory | हाथीदांत रंग |
21. | Light Salmon | हल्का नारंगी रंग |
22. | Lime | चूने का रंग |
23. | Magenta | गहरा गुलाबी रंग |
24. | Maroon | भूरा लाल रंग |
25. | Metallic | धातुमय रंग |
26. | Mint | टकसाल रंग |
27. | Mistry Rose | धुंदला गुलाबी |
28. | Mustard | सरसों रंग |
29. | Navy Blue | गहरा नीला |
30. | Neon Green | पीला हरा |
31. | Off White | धूमिल सफ़ेद |
32. | Olive | जैतून का रंग |
33. | Orange | नारंगी |
34. | Orange-red | संतरी लाल |
35. | Pea-green | मटर हरित |
36. | Peru | पेरू |
37. | Pink | गुलाबी |
38. | Plum | बेर रंग |
39. | Purple | बैंगनी |
40. | Red | लाल |
41. | Ruby | गहरा लाल रंग |
42. | Rust | जंग रंग |
43. | Silver | चांदी जैसा रंग |
44. | Snow | बर्फ जैसा रंग |
45. | Teal | हरे रंग की छायादार |
46. | Turquoise | फ़िरोज़ा |
47. | Violet | हलके नीले रंग |
48. | Wheat | गेहूँ रंग |
49. | White | सफेद |
50. | Yellow | पीला |
Colors/Colours Name with Pictures
5 Colors/Colours Name
Indian Red
IndianRed was created by mixing red, yellow, and brown pigments to create a new color with shades of orange. It is used in India for traditional Indian clothing.
Light Coral
Light Coral is a term used to describe the color of the ocean water when it is mixed with red and blue light from the sun. The best way to describe this color would be to say it looks like a mix of peach, lavender, and salmon.
Light Salmon
LightSalmon is a color that is often described as a mixture of green and yellow. It can be seen in nature and the sky.
The color red has been associated with passion, love, and romance since ancient times. Red is also one of the most popular colors in fashion with its association with sexiness.
Dark Red
DarkRed is a dark red color that is the result of adding black to red. Dark Red is a color term that has been used to describe the color of blood, rust, and wine. The color DarkRed has been used in different shades to represent the blood of Christ, the blood of martyrs, and the blood of human sacrifice.
10 Colors/Colours Name
Pink is an example of a color that is considered to be a mixture of red and white. Pink has many meanings and is often associated with feelings such as love, happiness, femininity, tenderness, kindness, shyness, and innocence.
Hot Pink
Hot pink was originally a shade of fuchsia that was created by mixing red and yellow together. HotPink is a color that symbolizes love, hope, and positivity. It is usually associated with the heart and romance.
Coral is a color that is a mixture of red and orange. It is seen mostly in tropical seas and in the waters of coral reefs. Coral color has been used in many things such as paint, clothing, cosmetics, ceramics, and even food.
Dark Orange
DarkOrange is a color that is the result of mixing orange with dark brown. DarkOrange color is associated with warmth, security and comfort, which makes it a favorite color for interior design. It also has a history of being used in churches as well as in paintings.
Gold is a color that is associated with wealth and luxury. The color of gold depends on the amount of light that it reflects. It has been used as a symbol of wealth since ancient times.
Light yellow
Light yellow is a color that is a mixture of yellow and white. Light Yellow is the color of happiness, cheerfulness, and joy. It is also the color of new beginnings and hope. Light yellow is a warm, sunny color that symbolizes optimism.
Light Goldenrod Yellow
Light goldenrod yellow is a color that is a mixture of light goldenrod and yellow. LightGoldenrodYellow is a color that is often associated with warmth, happiness, and optimism.
Moccasin color is the color of the shoe that is made out of deerskin. It can be tan, brown, black, or white.
Pale Goldenrod
The color PaleGoldenrod is a form of yellowish-orange. It is a mixture of yellow and orange, with the hue being similar to that of a peach. PaleGoldenrod is the color of the sky just before dawn when the sun's rays are just starting to light up the horizon.
Dark Khaki
DarkKhaki is a color that is a mixture of black and brown. It is often associated with mystery, intrigue, darkness, and secrets. It can also be used to represent an air of sophistication and elegance.
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15 Colors/Colours Name
Thistle color is a deep, rich, dark purple. Thistles are typically used in the garden for decoration and for their medicinal properties.
The color orchid is a type of flower that comes in many different colors, including yellow, orange, red and purple. The color of the orchid is a vibrant, beautiful and distinctive color. It is often associated with the colors of nature and has been used in art for centuries.
Magenta is a color that's produced by mixing red and blue light. It's sometimes called “fuchsia” or “purple”. The meaning of this color has been changed over time as it has been used for different purposes such as calming, soothing, or even seducing.
Rebecca Purple
The color RebeccaPurple is a lovely dark purple with a hint of blue and red. RebeccaPurple is a color that has been used in the past to represent royalty.
Dark Magenta
DarkMagenta is a color that is a mixture of purple and magenta. DarkMagenta is a color that is often associated with the dark side of life. It is a color that reflects feelings such as depression, anxiety, and desperation.
Slate Blue
SlateBlue is a color that can be described as a light blue with a hint of green. SlateBlue is a color that can be seen on buildings and homes in the sky. It's a light, cool tone of blue that can be seen in the sky.
Medium Slate Blue
MediumSlateBlue is a color that represents the digital world. It's a combination of blue and green, which are typically seen as opposites in the real world.
Chartreuse is a color that has a mixture of green and yellow. It is also known as the “happy color”. Chartreuse is a bright yellow-green color. It is a mixture of yellow and green, which is why it can be seen in both nature and art.
Light Green
LightGreen is a color that is described as being between green and yellow. LightGreen is the color of hope, optimism, and success. It gives off a feeling of new beginnings and fresh starts. It's a color that makes one feel energized and alive.
Spring Green
SpringGreen color is a greenish-yellow color that is the result of mixing yellow and green pigments. SpringGreen is a color that is often associated with the season of spring. It has a blue-green hue and it can be seen in nature, especially in the leaves of trees and flowers.
Sea Green
SeaGreen is a color that is considered to be both green and blue. SeaGreen has been used in many aspects of life from fashion to art. It has also been used in various fields of science and technology including biology, chemistry, and physics.
Dark Green
Dark Green color is a color that is between the shades of green and blue. It has been used in art since ancient times and was used as a symbol of wealth, power, and other positive things.
Olive Drab
The OliveDrab color is an army green color that is used by the US military. It is traditionally associated with military uniforms, but it has been used in other contexts as well.
Dark Olive Green
DarkOliveGreen is a dark green color that has a hint of olive.It is a color that is used in the military and sports. It is mostly seen in uniforms, but it can also be found on various other products.
Dark Sea Green
DarkSeaGreen là một màu có sắc xám và xanh lục. DarkSeaGreen is a color that is named after the dark sea at night. It is a dark and mysterious color that is often associated with the sea, which makes it an ideal choice for websites and marketing materials related to the ocean.
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20 Colors/Colours Name
Cyan is the color of a clear sky or the color of a clear liquid. It can be described as a bright, light blue-green color. Cyan is often associated with the color of water, but it also appears in some flowers and plants.
Pale Turquoise
PaleTurquoise is a color that was created by mixing blue and green. PaleTurquoise is one of those colors that has been used for centuries to represent different things, such as peace, tranquility, hope, love, joy, serenity, and more.
Turquoise is a bright blue-green color that is a mixture of cyan, green, and blue. Turquoise is associated with the sky, water and spirituality. It can symbolize things like peace or tranquility as well as serenity or wisdom.
Steel Blue
SteelBlue is a color that is usually associated with the sea and sky. It is also seen as a calming color. This color helps to reduce stress and anxiety.
Powder Blue
PowderBlue is a color that is a mixture of blue and green. It has been used in the fashion industry for decades and is now becoming more popular in the interior design world.
LightSky Blue
The color light sky blue is a color that appears white when it is seen in the sky and dark blue when seen on land. The color of the sky is often associated with peace, happiness, and freedom. It is also seen as a symbol of hope for many people.
Cornflower Blue
CornflowerBlue is a light blue color that is a representation of the blue sky and sea. Cornflower Blue symbolizes the color of the sky or sea, which gives it its meaning as a representation of hope, peace, tranquility, and serenity.
Blue is the color of the sky, water, and ocean. Blue is a color with a cool and calming effect. It is said to be the color of trust, loyalty, truth, faithfulness, sincerity, and hope.
Blanched Almond
BlanchedAlmond is a color created by mixing white and almond. It is often used to describe a color that has been mixed with white.
Burly Wood
BurlyWood is a color that is created by mixing brown and beige. It comes from the term “burly wood” which is used to describe wood that has a rough, rugged surface.
Sandy Brown
Sandy Brown is a color that is often associated with earth tones. It has been used in the past as a color for construction, earth tones, and browns.
Saddle Brown
SaddleBrown is a color that is brown in light and dark tones. It has a reddish tint to it and can be found in nature.
Maroon is a dark brownish-red color, created by mixing red and brown. Maroon is a dark red color that is often associated with passion, love, and romance.
The color snow is a pale, milky-white, or grayish-white color.
Alice blue
Alice blue is a color that is described as a tone of cerulean blue. It is a medium blue with a hint of green. It can be seen as the color of love and romance, but it can also be seen as the color of innocence and purity.
Sea Shell
SeaShell is a shade of blue that you can see in oceans, seas, and seashells. It is color is a term used to describe the color of shells found on beaches.
Ivory is a white or off-white color that ranges from a light ivory to dark, almost black, ivory.
Lavender Blush
LavenderBlush is a soft pink color. It has a light and fresh feel to it. LavenderBlush is a shade of purple that is often associated with romance, gentleness, and sensuality.
Light Gray
The light gray color is a mixture of gray and white. It is the color that is halfway between the two colors, so it has lightness and brightness to it.
Gray is a color that can be described as a mix of black and white. Gray is typically associated with dullness, sadness, and melancholy.
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Red Colors/Colours Name
- Indian Red
- Light Coral
- Salmon
- Dark Salmon
- Light Salmon
- Crimson
- Red
- Fire Brick
- Dark Red
Pink Colors/Colours Name
- Pink
- Light Pink
- Hot Pink
- Deep Pink
- Medium Violet Red
- Pale Violet Red
Orange Colors/Colours Name
- Light Salmon
- Coral
- Tomato
- Orange Red
- Dark Orange
- Orange
Yellow Colors/Colours Name
- Gold
- Yellow
- Light Yellow
- Lemon Chiffon
- Light Goldenrod Yellow
- Papaya Whip
- Moccasin
- Peach Puff
- Pale Goldenrod
- Khaki
- DarkKhaki
Purple Colors/Colours Name
- Lavender
- Thistle
- Plum
- Violet
- Orchid
- Fuchsia
- Magenta
- Medium Orchid
- Medium Purple
- Rebecca Purple
- Blue Violet
- Dark Violet
- Dark Orchid
- Dark Magenta
- Purple
- Slate Blue
- Indigo
- Dark Slate Blue
- Medium Slate Blue
Green Colors/Colours Name
- Green Yellow
- Chartreuse
- Lawn Green
- Lime
- Lime Green
- Pale Green
- Light Green
- Medium Spring Green
- Spring Green
- Medium Sea Green
- Sea Green
- Forest Green
- Green
- Dark Green
- Yellow Green
- Olive Drab
- Olive
- Dark Olive Green
- Medium Aquamarine
- Dark Sea Green
- Light Sea Green
- Dark Cyan
- Teal
Blue Colors/Colours Name
- Aqua
- Cyan
- Light Cyan
- Pale Turquoise
- Aquamarine
- Turquoise
- Medium Turquoise
- Dark Turquoise
- Cadet Blue
- Steel Blue
- Light Steel Blue
- Powder Blue
- Light Blue
- Sky Blue
- Light Sky Blue
- Deep Sky Blue
- Dodger Blue
- Cornflower Blue
- Medium Slate Blue
- Royal Blue
- Blue
- Medium Blue
- Dark Blue
- Navy
- Midnight Blue
Brown Colors/Colours Name
- Cornsilk
- Blanched Almond
- Bisque
- Navajo White
- Wheat
- Burly Wood
- Tan
- Rosy Brown
- Sandy Brown
- Goldenrod
- Dark Goldenrod
- Peru
- Chocolate
- Saddle Brown
- Sienna
- Brown
- Maroon
White Colors/Colours Name
- White
- Snow
- Honey Dew
- Mint Cream
- Azure
- Alice blue
- Ghost White
- White Smoke
- Sea Shell
- Beige
- Old Lace
- Floral White
- Ivory
- Antique white
- Linen
- Lavender Blush
- Misty Rose
Gray Colors/Colours Name
- Light Gray
- Silver
- Dark Gray
- Gray
- Black
- Dim Gray
- Light Slate Gray
- Gainsboro
- Slate Gray
- Dark Slate Gray
12 Color Names
- Alice blue
- Antique white
- Aqua
- Aquamarine
- Azure
- Beige
- Bisque
- Black
- Blue
- Blanched almond
- Blue-violet
- Brown
Some Frequently Asked Questions About Colors Name
Why is it important to use colors that are easy to read?
Colors are one of the most important aspects of design. If a color is too bright or too dark, it can be difficult to read.
If you are designing a website, you should use colors that are easy to read and not distract the reader. You should also make sure that your text is in an appropriate color and size for the background so it does not blend in with the background.
What are some of the most difficult color names?
Red, blue, green, and purple are some of the most difficult colors to name.
Some people call them by their color names while others use other names based on their personal preferences.
What is the difference between the color wheel and a color chart?
Color charts and color wheels are both tools that can help you choose the right color for your design.
A chart is a two-dimensional representation of a color wheel, where the colors are represented by their coordinates on a rectangular grid.
The color wheel is a tool to represent the full range of colors and their relationships in terms of hue, saturation, and brightness.
What are the five main colors in the color wheel?
The five main colors in the color wheel are red, blue, yellow, green, and purple. They are called primary colors because they cannot be made by mixing other colors together.
Purple is a mixture of red and blue. Red is a mixture of yellow and blue. Blue is a mixture of green and red. Green is a mixture of yellow and purple. Yellow is a mixture of red and green
What is the complementary color to orange?
Orange is a color that is a mixture of red and yellow. The complementary color to orange is blue.
Colours name in English Video
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In this article, I have shared with you all the vocabulary about name colors in English. As well as naming, the English palette is the easiest. Good luck with your studies!
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