English Speaking Practice Topic Christmas | Listen and Practice American English

English Speaking Practice Topic Christmas | Listen and Practice American English

Here is a sample Conversation about Christmas that you can use for speaking practice in American English:

Plans for Christmas

Person 1: “What are your plans for Christmas this year?”

Person 2: “I'm going to spend the day with my family. We always have a big feast and exchange gifts.”

Person 1: “That sounds like a lot of fun. What's your favorite part about Christmas?”

Person 2: “I love the holiday spirit and spending time with my loved ones. What about you?”

Person 1: “I agree, spending time with family is the best part. I also love all of the delicious holiday food and the excitement of opening gifts on Christmas morning.”

Person 2: “Absolutely. It's such a special time of year. Do you have any Christmas traditions that you enjoy?”

Person 1: “We always decorate the house and put up a Christmas tree. We also like to go caroling with our neighbors and friends.”

How do you feel about Christmas this year?

Person 1: “Merry Christmas! How are you celebrating the holiday this year?”

Person 2: “Merry Christmas to you too! I'm really excited because we're having a big family dinner at my parent's house. How about you?”

Person 1: “I'm going to my grandparents' house with my family. We always have a big feast and exchange gifts on Christmas Day. It's my favorite tradition.”

Person 2: “That sounds like a lot of fun. Do you have any other traditions that you enjoy during the holiday season?”

Person 1: “Yeah, we always decorate the Christmas tree together and sing carols on Christmas Eve. It's such a special time of year.”

Person 2: “I completely agree. I love the holiday spirit and the sense of togetherness that comes with it.”

Christmas Eve | English Speaking Practice Topic Christmas | Listen and Practice American English ✔


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