The collection of English words beginning with Words start with C shared with you by English tivi is definitely a solid foundation to reinforce a diverse, rich, and advanced new source of English words. Your proficiency in listening – speaking – reading – writing.
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Accumulating a certain amount of vocabulary for yourself is important and essential. Join us to learn new English words and their meanings starting with the letter C through the article below right now!
” It can be said that learning English is like building a building. You want to be good at communication, first of all, you must master basic English words. Here, English tivi will guide you in lessons to improve your basic English words and apply them in practical communication.”

English Words starting with C
Words Starting With Letter C – Part 1
Word | Type | Meaning |
Caboodle | noun | A whole group |
Cacophony | noun | Harsh mixture of sounds, jarring sound, discord |
Cagey | adjective | Informal- cautiously reluctant to speak |
Cajole | verb | Persuade by using flattery |
Calamity | noun | A sudden disastrous event |
Calibrate | verb | Check the accuracy of an instrument by comparing the readings with those of a standard |
Caliber | noun | Quality or ability |
Callous | adjective | Insensitive and cruel, unyielding, hardened |
Callow | adjective | Immature inexperienced |
Camaraderie | noun | Trust and friendship |
Camouflage | noun | A disguise to conceal, hide by means of camouflage |
Candid | adjective | Truthful and straightforward |
Candour | noun | frankness |
Canny | adjective | Shrewd |
Cantankerous | adjective | Bad tempered and uncooperative |
Capacious | adjective | Roomy |
Capitalize | verb | Take advantage of convert into or provide with financial capital |
Capitulate | verb | To give in, yield, surrender |
Capricious | adjective | Prone to sudden changes of behavior, erratic, subject to caprices (eccentricities) |
Captious | adjective | Prone to petty fault finding, quick to find fault, hard to please |
Captivate | verb | Attract and hold the interest |
Careerist | noun | A person intent in progressing in their career |
Cardinal | noun | Principal, chief, most important |
Carp | verb | Complain continuously |
Castigate | verb | Reprimand severely, to rebuke severely especially by public criticism |
Cataclysm | noun | A violent upheaval or disaster; any sudden, violent change |
Catapult | verb | Throw forcefully |
Catastrophe | noun | A sudden great disaster |
Catchy | adjective | Appealing, easy to remember |
Categorical | adjective | Completely clear and direct |
Words Starting With Letter C – Part 2
The English Vocabulary List includes the most commonly used word with over 2,000 of the most frequently used words in spoken English and provides example sentences using that word.
Caustic | adjective | Sarcastic |
Cautious | adjective | Careful to avoid danger or mistakes |
Caveat | noun | A warning, proviso |
Censure | verb | Criticize strongly, strong disapproval, to condemn as wrong |
Cerebrate | verb | To think |
Certitude | noun | A feeling of certainty, sureness |
Chagrin | noun | Annoyance or shame at having failed |
Charismatic | adjective | Possessing spiritual grace, inspiring |
Chequered | adjective | Marked by periods of varied fortune, marked by vicissitudes |
Chicanery | noun | Trickery in legal matters, deception |
Chide | verb | Scold or rebuke |
Chinos | noun | Casual trousers made from a smooth cotton fabric |
Chivalrous | adjective | Of or as of the ideal knight, courteous, polite and gallant towards women |
Choleric | adjective | Easily angered, irritable |
Choreograph | verb | Compose the sequence of steps and movements for a dance |
Chronic | adjective | Lasting a long time, very bad (informal) |
Chronicle | noun | A record of historical events, of a series of events |
Chronological | adjective | Following the order in which things occurred |
Chuffed | adjective | Informal-pleased |
Chum | noun | Informal-a close friend |
Chump | noun | Informal- a foolish person |
Chunk | noun | A large amount a thick solid piece |
Churlish | adjective | Rude or bad tempered |
Ciao | exclamation | Hello or goodbye |
Cinch | noun | Informal-a very easy task, a certainty |
Cipher | noun | A code, an unimportant person or thing |
Circuitous | adjective | (of a route) Long and indirect, roundabout |
Circumlocution | noun | The use of many words where fewer would do, the roundabout way of saying something |
Circumscribe | verb | Restrict, limit |
Circumspect | adjective | Cautious, sensible |
Words Starting With Letter C – Part 3
Circumstantial | adjective | (Of evidence)suggesting but not proving something |
Circumvent | verb | Evade a difficulty, to get the better of or prevent from happening by craft or ingenuity |
Clam up | verb | Informal-refuse to talk or respond, Be quiet |
Clamour | noun | A loud confused noise, a strong protest or demand |
Clamp down | verb | Clampdown(noun) |
Clandestine | adjective | Done secretly |
Clanger | noun | Informal-a mistake or blunder |
Claptrap | noun | Nonsense, empty talk intended to get applause |
Clause | noun | A distinct part of a sentence with its own verb, a single part of a treaty, law or contract |
Claustrophobia | noun | Extreme fear of being in an enclosed space |
Clerical | adjective | Of office work, of the clergy |
Cliche | noun | An overused phrase or idea, a trite, stereotyped expression |
Clientele | noun | Clients collectively |
Clinch | verb | Settle conclusively, a tight hold in boxing, an embrace |
Clinical | adjective | Efficient and unemotional |
Clique | noun | A small exclusive group of people |
Clout | noun | Influence |
Coalesce | verb | To unite to merge, to fuse, form into a mass or whole |
Coalition | noun | Temporary alliance, esp. political parties |
Cocksure | adjective | Arrogantly confident, absolutely sure or certain |
Coerce | verb | To persuade by using force or threats, to compel, force |
Cogent | adjective | Logical and convincing |
Cogitate | verb | To think deeply about, to ponder |
Cognizance | noun | Perception, knowledge or awareness |
Coherent | adjective | Sticking together, logically connected, logical and consistent, articulate |
Collateral | noun | Something promised if one cannot repay the loan, parallel or corresponding |
Commiserate | verb | Express sympathy or pity |
Compatible | adjective | Able to exist or be used together, consistent |
Complacency | noun | Self satisfaction, smugness , uncritically self satisfied |
Complement | noun | The amount needed to fill or complete, a thing that completes or improves something |
Words Starting With Letter C – Part 4
Complicity | noun | Involvement in wrongdoing |
Comprehensive | adjective | Including all or nearly all |
Concede | verb | To admit as true, accept, give up an advantage or right, admit defeat in a contest |
Concise | adjective | Brief and to the point, giving information clearly and to the point |
Concordant | adjective | In agreement |
Concur | verb | Agree, happen at the same time |
Condescend | verb | Behave as if one is better than others, do something that one believes to be beneath |
Condone | verb | Accept or forgive an offence or wrong, to overlook an offence |
Conformist | noun | A person who behaves in n expected or conventional way |
Confound | verb | Surprise or bewilder, prove wrong, defeat |
Congenial | adjective | Agreeable to oneself, compatible, kindred |
Conjecture | noun | Make a guess, inferring or predicting from incomplete evidence |
Connive | verb | Secretly allow, assist |
Connoisseur | noun | An expert judge in matters of taste, one who has expert knowledge and keen discrimination especially in fine arts |
Conscientious | adjective | Governed by one's conscience, diligent in one's work or duty |
Construe | verb | To interpret, To analyze |
Contemptible | adjective | Deserving contempt, scorn |
Contrite | adjective | Remorseful, showing regret |
Convivial | adjective | Friendly and lively, cheerful, pleasant situation |
Coterie | noun | A small exclusive group, a close circle of friends or colleagues |
Covert | adjective | Hidden, secretive, done secretly |
Covet | verb | To want ardently, long to possess something belonging to someone else |
Credulous | adjective | Too ready to believe things |
Cumbersome | adjective | Hard to handle, heavy and awkward to carry or use |
Culpable | adjective | Deserving blame |
Cupidity | noun | Greed for money, etc. |
Curt | adjective | Rude, brief |
Cynic | noun | A person who believes that peoples motives are always selfish |
The above is a synthesis of the most common English words starting with the letter C. Hopefully, this article will partly help you learn English in general, as well as the application in communication in particular, becomes easier and more enjoyable. We wish you good study and success soon!
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