Welcome to your English words lesson: what words start with I? In this section, we will know which form of vocabulary, such as verbs, nouns, adjectives, adverbs … along with its meaning. In addition, you can also learn more examples from those words. Come with English tivi to help you improve your vocabulary now!
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List Words English Start with Meaning – Update 2021
” It can be said that learning English is like building a building. You want to be good at communication, first of all, you must master basic English words. Here, English tivi will guide you in lessons to improve your basic English words and apply them in practical communication.”
List Words start with “I”

Words Starting With Letter I – Part 1
STT | Word | Type | Meaning |
1 | Idealism | noun | The belief that ideals can be achieved; behavior or thought based on a conception of things as one thinks they should be. |
2 | Idiosyncrasy | noun | Any personal peculiarity, mannerism etc., a person's particular way of behaving or thinking. |
3 | Idiomatic | adjective | Using expressions natural to a native speaker |
4 | Ignoble | adjective | Dishonorable, not noble in character or quality, mean |
5 | Ignominy | noun | Public disgrace |
6 | Illegible | adjective | Not clear enough to be read, hard or impossible to read because it is badly written or printed |
7 | Imbecile | noun | Informal-a stupid person, a person with abnormally low intelligence, a fool |
8 | Immaculate | adjective | Completely clean or tidy, free from flaws or mistakes |
9 | Imbroglio | noun | A confused or complicated situation |
10 | Imbue | verb | Fill with a feeling or quality, to permeate with ideas feelings etc. |
11 | Immanent | adjective | Present throughout, inherent, within |
12 | Immune | adjective | Resistant to, not affected, exempt, exempt from or protected against something |
13 | Immure | verb | To shut oneself in a place alone, confine, imprison |
14 | Impasse | noun | A deadlock, a situation |
15 | Impeccable | adjective | Faultless, flawless |
16 | Impediment | noun | A hindrance, a defect in a person's speech, anything that hinders |
17 | Imperil | verb | To put in danger, endanger, pose a threat |
18 | Imperious | adjective | Arrogant, dominating, expecting unquestioning obedience |
19 | Impertinent | adjective | Not showing proper respect |
20 | Impervious | adjective | Impermeable, unable to be affected by, not affected by |
21 | Impetuous | adjective | Acting or done suddenly or quickly with little thought, impulsive, |
22 | Impetus | noun | A driving or moving force or motive |
23 | Impinge | verb | Have an effect or impact; to strike, hit etc (on or upon) |
24 | Implacable | adjective | Unwilling o be reconciled, unstoppable, inflexible |
25 | Importunate | adjective | Very persistent, persistent in asking or demanding, insistent; refusing to be denied. |
Words Starting With Letter I – Part 2
The English Words List includes the most commonly used word with over 2,000 of the most frequently used words in spoken English and provides example sentences using that word.
26 | Impromptu | adjective | Done without being planned or rehearsed, without preparation |
27 | Impropriety | noun | Being improper, not confirming to rules |
28 | Improvise | verb | To compose and perform without preparation, make from whatever is available |
29 | Impudent | adjective | Not showing proper respect, shamelessly bold |
30 | Inadvertent | adjective | Unintentional, due to oversight, not attentive or observant; heedless |
31 | Inane | adjective | Lacking sense, silly |
32 | Incapacitate | verb | Prevent from functioning |
33 | Incognito | adverb | Disguised under an assumed name, with one's true identity concealed |
34 | Incoherent | adjective | Hard to understand, not logically connected, disjointed or not well organized |
35 | Incongruous | adjective | Out of place, lacking harmony or agreement of parts etc |
36 | Indefatigable | adjective | Never tiring, untiring |
37 | Indubitable | adjective | Impossible to doubt, certain, that cannot be doubted, unquestionable |
38 | Inept | adjective | Lacking skill, unsuitable, unfit |
39 | Infringe | verb | Intrude on a right or privilege |
40 | Ingenious | adjective | Clever, brilliant, bright, gifted |
41 | Inimical | adjective | Harmful, hostile, unfriendly, unfavorable, adverse |
42 | Inkling | noun | A hint, a slight suspicion |
43 | Innocuous | adjective | Harmless |
44 | Innuendo | noun | A remark indirectly referring to something |
45 | Inordinate | adjective | Unusually large, excessive |
46 | Interpolate | verb | Insert, interject, to make a remark that interrupts a speech, conversation, |
47 | Invidious | adjective | Likely to cause resentment, offensive, calculated to create ill will |
48 | Irate | adjective | Very angry |
49 | Irksome | adjective | Annoying, tiresome, often tedious |
50 | Iterate | verb | To utter, to do or to say repeatedly |
Above is all helpful information about words that start with I. I wish you all good study!
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