Welcome to your English words lesson: what words start with L? In this section, we will know which form of vocabulary, such as verbs, nouns, adjectives, adverbs … along with its meaning. In addition, you can also learn more examples from those words. Come with English tivi to help you improve your vocabulary now!
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List Words English Start with Meaning – Update 2021
” It can be said that learning English is like building a building. You want to be good at communication, first of all, you must master basic English words. Here, English tivi will guide you in lessons to improve your basic English words and apply them in practical communication.”
List Words start with “L”

STT | Word | Type | Meaning |
1 | Laborious | adjective | Requiring or showing much effort |
2 | Labyrinth | noun | A complicated network of passages |
3 | Lacerate | verb | Tear the flesh or skin, It can be used to refer to someone's feeling of being hurt or wounded |
4 | Lackadaisical | adjective | Lacking enthusiasm and thoroughness |
5 | Lackluster | adjective | Lacking energy or inspiration, dull (not shining) |
6 | Laconic | adjective | Using few words |
7 | Lacuna | noun | A gap or a missing portion |
8 | Laden | adjective | Loaded |
9 | Lag | verb | Fall behind, a period of time between two events |
10 | Lambast | verb | Criticize harshly, censure severely or angrily |
11 | Lampoon | verb | Publicly mock or ridicule, |
12 | Languid | adjective | Lacking energy or vigor |
13 | Languish | verb | Become weak or feeble, be forced to remain in an unpleasant place |
14 | Lapel | noun | A flap folded back on each side of a coat |
15 | Lassitude | noun | Weariness or lack of energy, state of being tired or listless; exhaustion; laziness; weariness |
16 | Lately | adverb | recently |
17 | Latent | adjective | Existing but not yet developed, apparent or active |
18 | Lateral | adjective | Of, at, to or from the side or sides |
19 | Lavish | adjective | Very rich, elaborate, luxurious, generous |
20 | Laudable | adjective | Deserving praise |
21 | Laurel | noun | Honor or praise, To honor, especially with an award or a prize. |
22 | Lax | adjective | Not strict severe or careful |
23 | Legacy | noun | Handed down by a predecessor |
24 | Leisure | noun | Time spent not working, not busy-free, in an unhurried way |
25 | Legendary | adjective | Described in legends, famous |
Words Starting With L
STT | Word | Type | Meaning |
26 | Legible | adjective | Clear enough to read |
27 | Legislate | verb | Make laws |
28 | League | noun | A class of quality or excellence |
29 | Lenient | adjective | Not strict, merciful |
30 | Leonine | adjective | Of or like a lion |
31 | Lest | conjunction | For fear that |
32 | Lethal | adjective | Able to cause death |
33 | Lethargy | noun | Lack of energy or enthusiasm |
34 | Leverage | noun | The power to influence |
35 | Leviathan | noun | A very large or powerful thing, anything of immense size and power, as a huge, |
36 | Levity | noun | Humorous treatment of a serious matter, lack of seriousness, lightness of body and spirit |
37 | Lexical | adjective | Of words |
38 | Liability | noun | A person or thing likely to cause embarrassment or trouble, a debt, the state of being liable |
39 | Liaison | noun | Communication and cooperation |
40 | Libel | noun | The crime of publishing a false statement that harms a person's reputation |
41 | Liberalize | verb | Make less strict |
42 | Limerick | noun | A humorous five-line poem |
43 | Linger | verb | Be slow or reluctant to leave, spend a long time |
44 | Lingua franca | noun | A common language used among speakers whose native languages are different |
45 | Linguist | noun | A person skilled in foreign languages, a person who studies linguistics |
46 | Liquidate | verb | Converts assets into cash |
47 | Livid | adjective | Very angry, appearing dark and inflamed |
48 | Loathe | verb | Feel hatred and disgust for |
49 | Lucre | noun | Money or profits |
50 | Luminary | noun | An inspiring or influential person |
Above is all helpful information about What words start with L – New English Words with Meaning. Hopefully, we have contributed to help you learn English in general, become more accessible and more interesting. I wish you every success in your future learning journey.
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