Welcome to your English words lesson: what words start with A? In this section, we will know which form of vocabulary, such as verbs, nouns, adjectives, adverbs β¦ along with its meaning. In addition, you can also learn more examples from those words. Come with English tivi to help you improve your vocabulary now!
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β It can be said that learning English is like building a building. You want to be good at communication, first of all, you must master basic English words. Here, English tivi will guide you in lessons to improve your basic English words and apply them in practical communication.β

List Words start with “A”
Words Starting With Letter A β Part 1
STT | Word | Type | Meaning |
1 | Abandon | verb | To give up completely, leave permanently, lack of inhibition. |
2 | Abase | verb | To humiliate or degrade |
3 | Abashed | adjective | Embarrassed or ashamed |
4 | Abate | verb | Become less severe or widespread |
5 | Abbreviate | verb | Shorten a word or phrase |
6 | Abdicate | verb | To give up the throne, fail to carry on a duty |
7 | Aberration | noun | Deviation from what is normal or acceptable |
8 | Abet | verb | Encourage or help in wrong doing |
9 | Abeyance | noun | In temporary disuse or suspension |
10 | Abhor | verb | Detest, hate |
11 | Abject | adjective | Wretched, completely without pride, miserable |
12 | Abjure | verb | Renounce a belief, claim, to give up ones right. |
13 | Abide | verb | Accept or Obey a rule or decision |
14 | Abominate | verb | To detest, dislike strongly |
15 | Abridge | verb | Shorten a text or film |
16 | Absolve | verb | Clear of guilt or blame |
17 | Abstruse | adjective | Hard to understand |
18 | Abysmal | adjective | Very bad, wretched |
19 | Abyss | noun | A very deep hole, a bottomless pit |
20 | Accede | verb | Agree to a request or demand |
21 | Accentuate | verb | Make more, emphasize |
22 | Acclimatize | verb | Make or become used to a new condition, to adapt or get used to |
23 | Accolade | noun | Thing given as a special honor or reward, award |
24 | Accomplice | noun | A person who helps another commit a crime, a partner in crime |
25 | Accost | verb | Approach and speak to, |
26 | Accoutrement | noun | An extra item or dress or equipment |
27 | Accredited | adjective | Approved, certified, officially authorized |
28 | Acerbic | adjective | Sharp and direct |
29 | Acquaint | verb | Make aware of, to inform, to make familiar with |
30 | Acquit | verb | Declare to be not guilty, behave in a particular way |
Words Starting With Letter A β Part 2
STT | Word | Type | Meaning |
31 | Acrid | adjective | Unpleasant, bitter, sharp (as in speech) |
32 | Acrimony | noun | Angry and bitter, harshness of |
33 | Acronym | noun | A word formed from the first letters of other words. |
34 | Acumen | noun | Keenness of mind, insight, shrewdness |
35 | Adage | noun | A proverb, an old saying |
36 | Adamant | adjective | Refusing to change one's mind, unyielding, inflexible |
37 | Addendum | Noun | A section added to a book, something added as a supplement |
38 | Addled | adjective | Confused, muddled |
39 | Ad hoc | adjective and adverb | Created or done for a particular purpose only, specially arranged for a purpose |
40 | Ad infinitum | adverb | Endlessly, for ever |
41 | Adjure | verb | To command, urge, to ask earnestly to appeal vehemently |
42 | Advent | noun | An arrival, coming, |
43 | Ad-lib | verb | Speak without preparing first, improvise |
44 | Admonish | verb | Reprimand, to warn, reprove firmly |
45 | Ado | noun | Trouble, fuss |
46 | Adroit | adjective | Clever, skillful |
47 | Adulation | noun | Excessive admiration, servile flattery |
48 | Adversity | noun | Difficulty, misfortune, troubled state |
49 | Aegis | noun | Protection, support, shield |
50 | Affable | adjective | Good natured and friendly, pleasant |
51 | Affectation | noun | Artificial or pretentious behavior |
52 | Affirm | verb | State firmly or publicly, to state positively, to confirm |
53 | Affront | noun | Insult, offend |
54 | Afoot | adverb | Going on |
55 | Agile | adjective | Able to move quickly and easily, agility |
56 | Alacrity | noun | Eager enthusiasm, willingness |
57 | Albeit | conjunction | Though, although |
58 | Algorithm | noun | A step by step procedure for calculations, a special way of solving mathematical problem. |
59 | Alienate | verb | Cause to make unfriendly. to distance oneself |
60 | Allay | verb | Lessen fears, to calm, quieten |
Words Starting With Letter A β Part 3
STT | Word | Type | Meaning |
61 | Allegiance | noun | Loyal support, loyalty, devotion (to duty, country) |
62 | Alleviate | verb | Lessen pain or distress, to lessen or relieve |
63 | Allocate | verb | Allot or assign, to set apart for a specific purpose |
64 | Allude | verb | To refer to briefly or indirectly |
65 | Altercation | noun | An angry or heated argument |
66 | Ambidextrous | adjective | Able to use either hand equally well, or with equal ease |
67 | Ambiguous | adjective | Unclear, having more than one meaning |
68 | Ambivalence | noun | Simultaneous conflicting feelings, mixed feelings |
69 | Amiable | adjective | Friendly, likeable, good natured |
70 | Amicable | adjective | Friendly, peaceful |
71 | Anagram | noun | A word or a phrase formed by rearranging the letters of another. |
72 | Analogy | noun | Comparison, a partial similarity |
73 | Anathema | noun | Something that one hates, anything greatly detested |
74 | Anecdote | noun | A short, entertaining true story |
75 | Animosity | noun | Feeling of hatred or dislike |
76 | Anomaly | noun | Something differing from what is standard or normal, departure from the usual |
77 | Antagonism | noun | Open hostility, opposition |
78 | Antecedent | noun | That which goes before something else, previous |
79 | Antipathy | noun | Strong dislike |
80 | Apathy | noun | Lack of interest or enthusiasm, lack of emotion |
81 | Aplomb | noun | Calm, self confidence, poise |
82 | Appendage | noun | A thing attached to something larger or more important |
83 | Apposite | adjective | Very appropriate, fitting |
84 | Appraise | verb | Assess the quality or value of, evaluate |
85 | Apprise | verb | Inform, notify |
86 | Apropos | preposition | With reference to, in connection with |
87 | Archetype | noun | A typical example, an original model |
88 | Archives | noun | A collection of historical documents or records |
89 | Ardent | adjective | Enthusiastic, passionate |
90 | Articulate | adjective | Fluent and clear in speech, speak or express distinctly or clearly |
Words Starting With Letter A β Part 4
The English Vocabulary ListΒ includes the most commonly used word with over 2,000 of the most frequently used words in spoken English and provides example sentences using that word.
STT | Word | Type | Meaning |
91 | Artifice | noun | Clever devices or tricks, especially used to deceive |
92 | Askance | adverb | To look with suspicion, disapproving look |
93 | Aspersion | noun | Damaging or disparaging remarks, critical remarks |
94 | Assiduous | adjective | Diligent, showing great care and thoroughness |
95 | Assuage | verb | To calm, make less severe, soothe, satisfy a desire |
96 | Astute | Adjective | Shrewd, crafty |
97 | Asunder | adverb | Literally apart, into pieces |
98 | Atone | verb | Make amends for |
99 | Attenuate | verb | Make thin or weaker, to lessen |
100 | Attrition | noun | Gradual wearing down, wearing away by or as by friction |
101 | Atypical | adjective | Not typical |
102 | Audacious | adjective | Bold, daring |
103 | Augment | verb | To increase, to make large in number |
104 | Avarice | noun | Greed for wealth, greed for money |
105 | Aver | verb | To declare to be true, to assert, to declare to be the case |
106 | Axiom | noun | A statement universally accepted as true |
107 | Apprehend | verb | Grasp the meaning of, arrest |
108 | Apostrophe | noun | Used to indicate either possession or the omission of letters or numbers |
109 | Avuncular | adjective | Kind and friendly towards an younger person |
110 | Awry | adjective | Away from the expected course or position |
Above is all helpful information about words start with A. I wish you all good study!
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