Welcome to your English words lesson: what words start with M? In this section, we will know which form of vocabulary, such as verbs, nouns, adjectives, adverbs … along with its meaning. In addition, you can also learn more examples from those words. Come with English tivi to help you improve your vocabulary now!
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List Words start with “M”

STT | Word | Type | Meaning |
1 | Machinations | noun | Plots and scheming |
2 | Macrocosm | noun | The whole of a complex |
3 | Magnanimous | adjective | Generous or forgiving |
4 | Magnate | noun | A wealthy and influential |
5 | Magnetism | noun | The ability to attract and charm people |
6 | Magnitude | noun | Great size or importance, size |
7 | Mammoth | noun | Huge |
8 | Mandarin | noun | A powerful official |
9 | Mandatory | adjective | Compulsory |
10 | Martinet | noun | A person who enforces strict discipline |
11 | Malapropism | noun | The mistaken use of a word in place of a similar-sounding word-mostly due to the slip of the tongue |
12 | Malefactor | noun | A wrongdoer |
13 | Malevolent | adjective | Wishing harm to others |
14 | Malfunction | verb | Fail to function naturally |
15 | Maladroit | adjective | Clumsy, lacking skill, cleverness, or resourcefulness in handling situations |
16 | Malice | noun | The desire to harm someone |
17 | Manifold | adjective | Many and various |
18 | Manipulate | verb | Handle or control skillfully |
19 | Maneuver | verb | A skillful movement, carefully planned scheme |
20 | Marginal | adjective | Of or in a margin, slight, unimportant |
21 | Masquerade | noun | A pretense |
22 | Matrix | noun | A grid-like array of elements |
23 | Maudlin | adjective | Sentimental and full of self-pity |
24 | Maverick | noun | An unconventional and independent-minded person |
25 | Maxim | noun | A sentence expressing a general truth or rule of behavior |
26 | Mayhem | noun | Violent disorder |
27 | Meager | adjective | Small in quantity |
28 | Measly | adjective | Informal-meager |
29 | Mediocre | adjective | Average or fairly low quality |
30 | Meek | adjective | Quiet, gentle, and obedient |
31 | Mega | adjective | Informal-huge, excellent |
32 | Melee | noun | Confused fight, a disorderly crowd |
33 | Mellow | adjective | Pleasantly smooth or soft in sound, color, or taste |
34 | Memento | noun | An object kept as a reminder |
35 | Memoir | noun | A written account of events |
36 | Menace | noun | A dangerous or troublesome person or thing |
37 | Mendacious | adjective | Untruthful |
38 | Mentor | noun | An experienced person acting as an advisor |
39 | Merchandise | noun | Goods for sale |
40 | Mercurial | adjective | Tending to change mood suddenly |
41 | Merger | noun | A merging of two organizations into one |
42 | Meritorious | adjective | Deserving reward and praise |
43 | Mesmerize | verb | Completely capture the attention of |
44 | Metaphor | noun | The figure of speech in which a word or phrase is used to represent or stand for something else (eg. food for thought) |
45 | Meticulous | adjective | Careful and precise |
46 | Mettle | noun | Spirit and strength of character |
47 | Milieu | noun | A persons social environment |
48 | Mundane | adjective | Dull or routine |
49 | Myriad | noun | A very great number |
50 | Myth | noun | An imaginary person or thing |
Above is all helpful information about What words start with M – New English Words with Meaning. Hopefully, we have contributed to help you learn English in general, become more accessible and more interesting. I wish you every success in your future learning journey.
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